
KidBlog Login

1. Use only blue or black and use the same size font throughout.
2. Use proper grammar (e.g. capitals, periods, indent, etc.)
3. Check your spelling!

June 24, 2013
What did you think of your WWII book?  How many stars (out of 5) would you give it?  Would you recommend it to someone else?  Why or why not? *Add a picture of the book's front cover.  You can find it in an image search. (65 words or more)

June 18, 2013
Write about your thoughts about the Shakespeare play experience.  (Talking about doing the play, not necessarily the play, itself.)  Did you like it?  What did you like or not like?  How do you wish it was different?  What was your favorite part about it? Would you want to do it again?  Why or why not?  (120 words or more)
May 8, 2013
In what ways are you like your parents and in what ways are you different? (50 words)
April 17, 2013
Write about how you felt about the field trip.  What did you like?  What was the most interesting thing?  Do you think it was worth the price?  Would you recommend it to someone else?  Why or why not?  (100 words or more)
April 15, 2013
Imagine you could design the perfect town for you. Describe what would be in it. (70 words or more)

April 10, 2013
What is the best invention of all time?  Why is it the best invention?  How has it helped you in your life? (60 words or more)

April 4, 2013
If there was one talent you wished you had, what would it be, and why? (50 words or more) *this is NOT asking what superpower you would want...what REAL talent would you want to have?
April 2, 2013
What is the best April Fool's prank you have heard of?  What do you think of pranks?  Are they mean?  Can they sometimes be funny and not hurt people's feelings?  How do you feel when people prank you?  (60 words or more)

March 25, 2013
Imagine we did not need to sleep anymore.  What would you do with the extra time?  Would not having to sleep be a good or bad thing?  Why?  (55 words or more)

 March 20, 2013
Write a letter to a third grader that explains how seasons work.  Why do we have seasons?  How do the seasons change?  What happens to the length of days during various seasons?  Make sure you have a salutation (Dear Third Grader,) and an appropriate ending (Sincerely, From, etc.).  (130 words or more)

March 19, 2013
If you could control your own dreams, what would you choose for tonight and why? (50 words or more)

March 14, 2013
Imagine you have been trapped in an elevator with your favorite movie (or pop) star for four hours.  Finally you are free and tell your best friend what it was like, what you talked about, etc.  Describe what you would say. (Your entry must be at least 100 words, and it needs to stick to the topic.)

March 13, 2013
Login and change your password.  For your first blog entry, please give a short bio about yourself.  What are some of your favorite things?  What is something cool about you?  Your entry should be at least 35 words long.
You may change the look of your blog and add a picture if you wish.  Do not add your last name to anything.

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